To the blog for small and medium sized business (SME) owners.
Control your stock levels at all times. Too much stock and the business will be absorbing cash in current assets that may not be quickly converted into re-saleable product, and too little stock may result in missed sales opportunities.
Manage your Business Cash Flow.
Generating value in a business is a desirable objective; however, extracting the value for the benefit of the business owner can be undertaken in different ways. Plan your desired exit option.
Read the full article here.
The business owner may lack reliable data on which to take informed decisions. However, in many cases financial accounting systems are used, but unfortunately not always in a manner designed to achieve maximum benefits.
It may be that the accounting system is used for accumulating data to form the basis of annual accounts, with maybe some integration with sales ledger (receivables) and purchase ledger (payables).
If this is the case in your business, or even if you generate monthly management accounts from your accounting system, step back and consider how much more valued information your system could give you at little or no further cost.
The accounting system should be viewed as an integral part of your systems and not considered a stand alone system that only benefits the accountant or bookkeeper.
If you need help in appreciating how much more benefit you can derive from your accounting system contact DAW Consulting for a free consultation.
Read the latest testimonials for David Willetts here.
Qualifying business owners in the United Kingdom can offer an incentive to staff through the Enterprise Management Incentive Scheme (EMI). Discover the features and tax advantages to be gained.
A DAW financial management consultant will work with the business owner to identify and deliver solutions that are robust and assist the business in implementing its business strategy . Learn more about the DAW Consultant.